This page will become a timeline showing the history of the Biblical stories. It will link to other resources (like the 12 Step Overview Of The Bible) and provide a visual way to see the Bible’s big picture.
Times and dates are often approximated as our modern calendar was not in use in past history. We can only approximate some dates by the events referenced around them.
As a side note – this timeline is a Biblical Story timeline. It is not making any comments on the creation of the universe, archaeology or other contentious issues. It’s purpose is to lay out a history as represented in the Bible.
4000 BC
Genesis - The Beginning
In the beginning the earth was without form and empty. God speaks and shapes the world before filling it with life. He ultimately creates humans in His image. Genesis 1, 2
People rebel against God, do their own thing and sin (brokeness / failure / evil / death) enters into the world. Genesis 3 – 11
Watch this video Gen 1 – 11 (YouTube) from the Bible Project or start studying for yourself 1.Creation 12 Step Bible Overview
Jesus, God’s son, comes to earth. He is born, teaches, is killed, buried and rises back to life. His stories give hope to the poor and needy and teach of a God who loves us.
10 – Jesus